150 REM =====================================================================
160 REM Display the menu of the programs available in IQ Builder. ===
170 REM =====================================================================
180 REM $s2
190 LOCATE 1,34,0:COLOR 0,7:PRINT " IQ Builder ";
200 LOCATE 3,10:COLOR 7,0:PRINT "The following programs are available on this diskette:";
210 LOCATE 5,30:PRINT "Number Series"
220 LOCATE 6,30:PRINT "Analogies"
230 LOCATE 7,30:PRINT "Synonyms"
240 LOCATE 8,30:PRINT "Antonyms"
270 LOCATE 16,1:PRINT"Use the ";:COLOR 15:PRINT"UP ("CHR$(24)")";:COLOR 7:PRINT" and ";:COLOR 15:PRINT"DOWN ("CHR$(25)")";:COLOR 7:PRINT" arrows to position the cursor to the function"
280 LOCATE 17,1:PRINT"desired and then press the ";:COLOR 15:PRINT"ENTER ("CHR$(17)CHR$(196)CHR$(217)")";:COLOR 7:PRINT" key."
290 REM $s2
300 REM =====================================================================
310 REM Set up the initial coordinates for the selection arrow. ===
320 REM =====================================================================
330 REM $s2
340 X=25:Y=5
350 REM $pa
360 REM =====================================================================
370 REM Set up UP and DOWN arrows for moving selection arrow. ===
380 REM =====================================================================